Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Raising A Child With Autism - 1321 Words

Raising a Child with Autism There is no doubt that raising a child with autism is challenging. There is endless research on Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) but a very limited amount on the costs and benefits of caring for a person with the disorder. In order to gain a comprehensive perspective on the biggest challenges parents and caregivers of autistic children face, a look into the private lives of these families and close networks is necessary. The only way to give support and provide the much needed services required to help, one must ask them what the most difficult parts about managing autism are. Below examines three of the most common struggles these families face when trying to understand and help their autistic children develop into the capable people they are certainly able of becoming. Financial burdens are an obvious upset to families with autistic children, on top of the already heavy expense of having a child there is now medical costs and often counselling. Sen and Yurtsever (2007) reported that families often feel â€Å"shock, denial, suffering, depression, guilt, indecision, anger, shame, bargaining, acceptance and adaptation† upon discovering they have a child who suffers from ASD. This disorder has effects on their daily â€Å"lifestyles, social relationships, economic situation, health, and goals or expectations for the future† (Norton Drew, 1994; Sen Yurtsever, 2007). â€Å"Autism is the most common neurological condition diagnosed in children and it is nowShow MoreRelatedA Dad s Experience On Raising A Child With Autism1013 Words   |  5 Pagesdad’s experience in raising a child with autism from initial diagnosis through his bar mitzvah. He transitions through feelings of confusion and frustration to feelings of pride for his so n. 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